What's New?
- Feb. 1. 2011. CrestMusePEDB Version 3.0 released! >>links
- Feb. 1. 2011. "VirtualPhilharmony" won the Silver Award at ACE2010 Nov. 17-19, Taipei, TAIWAN) >>links

Creative Showcase Silver Award : VirtualPhilharmony: A Conducting System
Focused on A Sensation of Conducting A Real Orchesta
- Nov. 20. 2009. Nov. 20. 2009. RenconProject supported CrestMuse project started to distribute the digest movie of
EC-Rencon. (Sep. 18. 2009.)
- Nov. 16. 2009. The video news of CrestMuse Workshop 2009 is available from Science NewsNetwork produced by JST.
- Oct. 31.2009. CrestMuse Workshop 2009 >>details
- May 15, 2009 We updated members list of 2009.
- May 8, 2009 We updated pubilications of 2008. >>links
- Sep. 30, 2008 SAME(Sound And Music For Everyone Everyday Everywhere
Everyway) is partner project to CrestMuse. We are adding references of
SAME to Links page. >>links
- Sep. 4, 2008 CrestMuse project supported ICMPC-Rencon (Aug. 25, 2008).
Internet voting is available form the following url.>>links
- Aug. 22, 2008 CrestMuse Symposium 2008 >>details
- April 23, 2008 English version of the web page "CrestMuse Symposium2008"
launched. >>links
- April 7, 2008 We updated members list of 2008.
- April 4, 2008 We updated pubilications of 2007. >>links
- Nov. 28, 2007 We started pubilication of CrestMusePEDB Ver. 1.0.@>>details
- May, 14-18, 2007 Dr. Tzanetakis gave a lecture in CrestMuse project.
- Apr. 11, 2007 English version of the web page launched.
- Mar. 19, 2007 The video of the CrestMuse symposium has been uploaded.
- Oct. 26, 2006 CrestMuse symposium >>details
- Oct. 2005 "CrestMuse project" was launched out, as one of the
CREST research projects (Research Area: Foundation of technology supporting
the creation of digital media contents), Japan Science and Technology Agency
(JST), JAPAN. >>details